Everything You Need To Know About Lip Blush

Cosmetic tattooing has come a long way over the past few years. Rather than the harsh lines and bold colors associated with early procedures, modern cosmetic tattooers have learned how to make permanent and semi-permanent makeup look beautiful and natural. Cosmetic tattoo artists also help to correct skin discoloration and pigmentation issues.

One of the latest procedures artists and practitioners are using to enhance and correct facial features is called lip blushing, also known as a lip blush tattoo. It’s a natural-looking cosmetic tattoo procedure that is offered in both tattoo studios and high-end spas.

What Is Lip Blushing? 

Lip blushing is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo procedure that adds a light tint of color to a person’s lips. Most lip blush tattoos are designed to last two to three years. 

Lip blush can improve symmetry issues, add volume to the lips, and correct hyper or hypopigmentation issues. 

The Lip Blush Process 

At Tiffany Nicole Beauty, the lip blush process takes approximately 3 hours. First, we start off with color selection. Clients are encouraged to bring their go-to “everyday” lip color to their appointment. Once a pigment mix is selected to match the desired target color the pre-draw process begins. We outline the lips with a lip pencil. Numbing cream is applied to the lips for 20 minutes so that there isn’t as much pain. The last step is the shading process. 

How To Prepare To Lip Blush

The best way to prepare for a lip blush appointment is to drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment. This will make the lips supple and hydrated. The night before, take sugar and rub it on your lips to exfoliate them. Then apply a lip balm to keep lips hydrated and smooth. Exfoliating the lips allows for excellent lip  

Lip Blush Healing 

Lips heal fairly quickly in about 3-5 days. On the first day, the color will appear brightest. By day 2-3 scabbing will occur. As the scabs flake off, your lip color will look more subtle. 

During this healing phase it’s important that you avoid touching your lips, keep them moist with A and D ointment, drink from a staw, no kissing until scabbing is 100% complete, and no spicy or extremely hot foods. 

To book your lip blush appointment please visit, click here