What Is Microblading, And Is Microblading Permanent?

The answer is NO, and here is everything you need to know about Microblading.

Before we jump into why it isn’t permanent, it’s important for you to know what microblading is and how it is done.

Essentially, microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique where individual hair strokes are made with a tiny blade and pigment. By definition, microblading IS a tattoo. A tattoo is defined as a mark, figure, design, or word intentionally fixed or placed on the skin. Microblading is a very superficial tattoo.  

Your artist will choose needles and the blade type according to the technique and your skin type. The pigment is bladed just below the epidermis and the most shallow part of the dermis, making extremely fine natural-looking hair strokes. A very natural result is achieved, as the strokes are bladed into the skin according to the natural hair growth direction. A touch-up is included 4-6 weeks after your initial treatment.

At the perfecting session, more ink is implanted, and the strokes that have faded are reinforced. 

How Long Does Microblading Last?

Since microblading pigments are not embedded into the skin as deep as traditional eyebrow tattoos, the area will naturally fade over time. Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years, based on skin type (normal, oily, dry), lifestyle (sun exposure), and age (youthful/mature). Thus, Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo. The results typically last between one to three years; the procedure is still classified as a tattoo since the pigment is implanted into the skin.

Microblading only enters up to the dermal-epidermal junction, and because of that, your body will eventually “push” out the pigment over time. The dermal-epidermal junction is the acellular zone that is between the dermis and the epidermis. Therefore, the color will fade out over time, and you will want to have the color touched up. The time it takes to fade will depend upon the client’s skin, health, lifestyle, and how well the tattoo is maintained.

Microblading results are intended to be semi-permanent in order to achieve the most natural looking eyebrow enhancement as possible and to avoid the implanted pigment from transforming into an unwanted color over time like permanent cosmetic tattoos do.

Is Microblading Permanent?

Skincare routines will affect the retention of the pigment: clients who tan use products with AHA or Glycolic Acid with fade faster as your skin will resurface faster. Each individual’s color retention within the skin will vary. To maintain the brows looking fresh, a touch-up is suggested every 12-18 months. Clients can let the microblade area fade over time, but please note a slight shadow may remain. One of the benefits of not going as deep as a tattoo is that it WILL eventually fade over time. This can be helpful if you decide you don’t want to continue with the brows after 1-2 years or decide you want to change the shape or color. Another reason it’s beneficial for your brows to fade is as we age, gravity plays a role in our skin, so we don’t want brows on our face that fit us in our 20’s, but our 60’s is too low. We can keep changing the shape as your face and style change.

How Can I Ensure My Microblading Last?

Here’s the most important question. How to ensure lasting microblading results? What you see below is a list of instructions that you need to follow. That is if you want your brows to last for a longer time!

For the next ten days after the procedure, you need to keep the brows as dry as possible. No water is allowed around the brow area, resulting in the ink being washed out of the skin.

We suggest avoiding hot holidays, which will cause you to over-sweat and push the ink out of the skin, as well as activities such as the gym or saunas.

By following these simple rules, you can dramatically increase the longevity of your results. On the other hand, if you don’t follow these rules, you will still have results, but they may fade sooner than you anticipate.

  • Don’t neglect aftercare instructions.
  • During the recovery process, avoid sunlight.
  • A proper touch-up after the completion of six weeks is essential, especially if you desire long-term effects!
  • During healing, don’t use makeup over the brows.
  • Grooming the brow hairs regularly is essential to maintaining the shape of the brow.
  • Keep your diet healthy and water consumption up to the mark during recovery. Such a practice keeps your skin well-hydrated.

Once you incorporate these rules, you’re doing everything in your power to encourage longevity.

Failing to do so doesn’t mean you won’t get optimal results. It just means that your microblading Permanent might fade sooner than expected. Instead of lasting for 1-3 years, it might start to fade in less than 6-9 months.

What Factors Will Reduce The Length Of Your Results?

By following the recommendations above and controlling the factors listed in this section, you can make your results last for as long as possible. Skin Hydration

The discipline of following aftercare instructions

  • Smoking
  • Age of your skin
  • Oily skin
  • Excessive sun damage
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Medical conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure)
  • Stress Level